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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


[Celebrations of the blessing of a rifle] [An iconographic document]
This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.
This publication is protected by copyright. Access to its digital version is possible on computer terminals in the institution that shares it.

Title: [Celebrations of the blessing of a rifle] [An iconographic document]

Date issued/created:


Resource type:



The photo depicts men during some celebrations, standing in a yard in front of an inn building. Some of them are dressed in uniforms of the Polish Army, some are in civilian clothes; there is also a priest among the group. The background of the photo is made of two adjoining buildings, one of them brick-built and the other built with bricks and covered with white plaster. The facade of the white building is decorated with branches; there are two paintings hanging on the wall. On the right side, on the white wall, there is a banner with the following inscription: "Oberża Karol Długaj [Karol Długaj Inn]", underneath there is a slogan painted on the wall saying: "Long live the Polish Army". According to the photo's owner, it depicts the blessing of a rifle donated to the Polish Army from funds collected by the Voluntary Uprising Youth in Ściernie-Bieruń Stary and the donation of that gun to a delegation of the Polish Army in November 1938. Depicted in the photo are, among others, officers of the Polish Army, priest (...), who died in a concentration camp, and the head of Elementary School (...). The photo was taken by an unknown photographer ; November 1938, Ściernie / Bieruń, voiv. śląskie ; The photo sent to the contest named “Photography of the Polish village pre-1948” organized in 1983 by the quarterly “Fotografia” (Photography) and the weekly “Nowa Wieś” (New village). Copy of the photo kept at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (former Institute for the History of Material Culture)

Type of object:

Ethnographic object

Detailed Resource Type:




Resource Identifier:



IAiE PAN, call no. 178-2


Rights Reserved - Restricted Access

Terms of use:

Copyright-protected material. Access only on terminals at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, may be used within the limits of statutory user freedoms.

Digitizing institution:

Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Original in:

Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Projects co-financed by:

European Union. European Regional Development Fund





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