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The vascular plants collection (KRAM V), being one of two largest of this type in Poland, is currently represented by more than 645,000 numbered herbarium sheets (incl. about 3,000 types) and about 200,000 specimens awaiting elaboration. It incorporated a few historical herbaria, as 18th/19th century J. Jundziłł herbarium from Kowno area (now Kaunas, Lithuania) and numerous 19th century collections. The main herbarium comprises specimens from all parts of the world, but first of all from the Central Europe. Of the most important collections the following should be mentioned: B. Pawłowski (Carpathians and Balkans, above 40,000 specimens), B. Kotula (Tyrolean Alps, above 25,000), A. Andrzejowski (Ukraine), E. Janczewski (Ukraine), A. Ślendziński and T. Wilczyński (Ukraine, ca. 10,000), A. Jasiewicz (Carpathians, Mediterranean area, Mexico, China, ca. 50,000), J. Mądalski (Poland, Ukraine, Canada, above 38,000), A. Rehmann, W. Szafer, F. Karo, E. Wołoszczak, H. Zapałowicz and A. Żmuda.