The collection consists of scientific posters published by the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS. The scope of the collection includes the scientific activities and projects of IChB PAN together with the activities of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center. Among the posters is a scan of an information poster of the Digital Libraries and Knowledge Platforms Department, cooperating with the international search engine and portal Europeana, supporting the action "Europeana 1914-1918" - aimed to collect and digitize letters, photographs, diaries from World War I. In addition, the collection includes informational posters about the PIONIER Network - a modern nationwide broadband optical network, providing a base for scientific research and development work in a wide area including: computer science and telecommunications, computational sciences used in various fields (grids, etc.), applications and services for the information society. The collection also consists of conference posters: DARIAH-PL, II CONFERENCE I3, Future Internet Week.