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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects



The collection contains selected items from journals published by the Institute of Nature Conservation PAS such as:
Let’s Protect Our Indigenous Nature [Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą] - has been published since 1945 as the Provisional Organ of the State Board of Nature Conservation [Tymczasowy Organ Państwowej Rady Ochrony Przyrody]. Bimonthly, and starting in 2020, it is published quarterly. The aim of periodical is to popularise the theory and practice of nature conservation.
Studia Nature - coming out since 1967. Until 1993 Studia Naturae had two series: series A handled scientific papers, while series B, popular-scientific ones. In 1993 series B was stopped. The publication has kept the character of series A and its numeration. Publications on the ecological basis of nature conservation, among others.
Acta Hydrobiologica – published since 1959 by the K. Starmach Institute of Freshwater Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences. From 1954 to 1959 as the Bulletin of the Department of Pond Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences [Biuletyn Zakładu Biologii Stawów PAN]. Publishes original research reports on all kinds of inland waters, their organisms and related physical and chemical factors. The scope of the journal includes ecology, physiology, taxonomy, methodology and papers concerning the practice of freshwater fishery and aquaculture and the conservation and management of water ecosystems. Articles are published in different languages. The last issue was published in 2000.
Supplementa ad Acta Hydrobiologica - published since 2001. In the first years the articles were published in Polish, and in later years in English. The topics covered were similar to those in Acta Hydrobiologica. Currently, the publication of the journal is suspended.



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