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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Prof. Józef Staszewski Collection

The collection includes digitized items from the collection donated to the Institute of Geography of the Polish Academy of Sciences on May 30, 1964 by Prof. Józef Staszewski (September 18, 1887 - September 5, 1966) - geographer and historian of geography, co-founder of the Gdańsk branch of the Polish Geographical Society, in the years 1945–56 a professor at the Pedagogical University in Gdańsk. The professor was also an employee of IGiPZ PAN, then called the Institute of Geography of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The entire collection consists of over 5,000 items: books, atlases and maps, including old prints. The Professor's legacy itself can be found in the Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. These are, among others, published and unpublished works and articles, such as: "The history of earth science in outline", "Physical geography in numbers", "The development of geography in source texts", "Aleksander Humboldt"; handbooks for primary, secondary and higher schools, including "History of Population". Reviews, readings and papers, including "Jan Śniadecki as a geographer" (a paper presented at the session of the Polish Academy of Sciences on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of his birth); speeches. Workshop materials on various issues, including the history of meteorology and the history of ancient geography; collection of maps and plans. Lectures on economic geography at the University of Maritime Trade in Gdynia. Materials related to belonging to the Łódź Association Scientific Society, Polish Geographical Society, Polish Nautological Society or its cooperation with the Society of Burs and Scholarships, and work at our Institute.



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