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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS

At the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, belonging to the group of scientific units of the "A +" category, applied research is carried out, consisting in searching for new chemical compounds and their composition, enriching and optimizing their composition, as well as research involving the synthesis and production of specialized chemical reagents. Research topics include: supramolecular chemistry; new materials technology; thermochemistry; biocalorimetry; chemical and process kinetics; electrocatalysis, electrochemistry, molecular dynamics, spectroscopy, photochemistry, photophysics; physicochemistry, nanotechnology, photodiagnostics and phototherapy. ICHF is: the laureate of the competition for the most post-doctoral institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences - PROPAN, awarded in the EU Framework Program 'Horizon 2020', laureate of the National Science Center MINIATURE competitions; OPUS, PRELUDIUM, SONATA, SHENG, scholarships of the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, FNP.
The Digital Repository of Scientific Institutes in the IChF collection includes access to the texts of doctoral and habilitation theses of employees, information about the Institute, articles and research data. Access to digitized documents enables better orientation in research topics in the field of chemistry and their use in current activities; in starting cooperation; promoting new research topics or eliminating duplication. Research conducted at the IPC is used, among others, in the service sector, the development of new generations of drugs. anti-cancer research methods; air purification methods. The database extends and archives the research workshop. The scientific value of digitized documents is demonstrated by the achievements achieved by a group of scientists: laureates in the 6th edition of the National Competition "Student-Inventor", Gold medal in the project "Young Leaders of Innovation" of the Foundation of the Polish Promotional Emblem Teraz Polska, laureates of the competition "Mobility of young researchers at IPC PAS" 2017, 2018, 2019, winners of the competition organized by the Polish Academy of Sciences for the best doctoral dissertations. The publications presented in the database are in Polish or English in PDF format.



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