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The collection consists mainly of journals published by the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (ISS PAS): "Acta Baltico-Slavica", "Slavia Meridionalis", "Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives" and "Studies in Polish and Slavic Philology".
The journal "Acta Baltico-Slavica", initially published by the Bialystok Scientific Society, then by The Ossolineum, and since 1992 by the ISS PAS, is devoted to the issues of the Baltic-Slavic borderland. It focuses on historical and contemporary cultural, social as well as linguistic phenomena and processes. It emphasizes a transnational perspective that goes beyond the ethnocentric descriptions of the phenomena studied.
The annual "Slavia Meridionalis" is an interdisciplinary humanistic journal presenting the results of research on the literature, culture, history, ethnology and languages of the southern Slavic region and its dynamic relationships with other cultural areas.
The annual "Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives" was created as a result of Polish-French scientific cooperation coordinated by the ISS PAS. The subjects of the works include the newest areas of contemporary, synchronous linguistics: theoretical semantics in cognitive terms, semantic and grammatical issues in natural language at the interface with corpus linguistics, lexical semantics, linguistic confrontation and linguistic engineering (including corpus linguistics).
The annual "Studies in Polish and Slavic Philology", published since 1955, covers a wide spectrum of topics in the field of Slavic linguistics, including the issues of diachrony and synchrony, research relating to different levels of language systems in a comparative and confrontational perspective.
Jankowiak, Lucyna Agnieszka
Czerwiński, Maciej
Siatkowski, Janusz (1929– )
Wolnicz-Pawłowska, Ewa (1947– )
Cichońska, Maria
Baran, Urszula
Czerwiński, Maciej
Jankowiak, Lucyna Agnieszka