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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Polish Ethnographic Atlas

The collection contains mostly unpublished photographs from fieldwork of the Polish Ethnographic Atlas (PEA), which is in the collection of Department of Contemporary Ethnology and Anthropology of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The presented group of photographs is the result of many years of field investigation of the Polish Ethnographic Atlas team established in 1945. Field studies were conducted throughout Poland in the second half of the 20th century, and the photos themselves were taken or collected in the years 1954-1971. The photographs are black and white, and their subject matter is on very variety of topics. They show rural constructions, household equipment, including various equipment for food production, agricultural tools, as well as features of the everyday life of village inhabitants in the second half of the 20th century. Many of the elements presented in photographs no longer exist in a cultural landscape of the Polish countryside, therefore these materials have a valuable documentary value. The database presents photos with metadata transferred from documentation cards filled out by researchers during field investigations and museum enquiries. The second part of the collection is physically deposited at the Unit of the Polish Ethnographic Atlas in Cieszyn and its electronic version is available at https://pae.us.edu.pl/collections/show/4



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