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Chatellier, Gilles ; Degoulet, Patrice ; Gillois, Pierre ; Jaulent, Marie
Książka = Book ; KS/6/2005/T42R03P03
Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk ; Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences
[6], 147-156 pages ; 21 cm ; Bibliography p. 156
In order to develop an internet-based decision support system, making available for French general practitioners several prevention guidelines is was necessary to implement paper based guideline. We propose a framework allowing to transform paper based practice guideline into their electronic form. Three different problems were identified: computability (e.g. determinism of the eCPG), logic (e.g. ambiguities when combining Booleans operators) and external validity (i.e. stability of decision for variations around thresholds and proportion of subjects classified in the various terminal nodes). The last problem concerned documentation of evidence: the level of evidence was associated only with the terminal decision node and not with the pathway through the decision tree. We concluded that computerization of guidelines is not possible without expertise or authors advices. To improve computability it is necessary to provide authors with a framework that checks ambiguities, and logical errors
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Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of Systems Research Institute PAS
Oct 15, 2021
Jul 19, 2021