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Książka = Book ; KS/3/2014/T2R11
Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk ; Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences
[3], 125-142 pages ; 21 cm ; Bibliography p. 141-142
In this paper, we propose a cohesion measure to select a cluster of expert preferences in a group decision-making context. Through preference modeling, membership functions are used to express opinions setting the level of agreement over a specific criterion. Taking into account that it is possible to gather a large number of opinions through social media (e.g., facebook, twitter, linkedin, etc.) it is important to handle them properly. Thus, this proposal uses a shape-similarity approach to cluster similar opinions, represents each cluster by means of an interval-valued fuzzy set and provides a cohesion measure to calculate the level of togetherness among membership functions that are present in a cluster. The cohesion measure allows us to discriminate clusters that are relevant to represent expert preferences. An example that illustrates the application of the cohesion measure for expert preferences has been included.
Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license
Copyright-protected material. [CC BY 4.0] May be used within the scope specified in Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license, full text available at: ; -
Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of Systems Research Institute PAS
Oct 15, 2021
Jul 15, 2021
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