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Bogdan, Lucyna ; Nahorski, Zbigniew (1945– ) ; Studziński, Jan ; Łomotowski, Janusz ; Szetela, Ryszard
Książka = Book ; KS/1/2002/P25
Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk ; Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences
[1-2], 413-429 pages ; 21 cm ; Bibliography p. 428-429
The paper presents the model of biological sewage purification process of wastewater treatment plant located in Rzeszów. The model is composed of the submodels of the primary clarifiers, the aeration basins and the secondary clarifiers which are connected and partly looped. The submodels consist of equations describing the physical and biological processes like e.g. sedimentation processes occurring in the clarifiers or the biological processes changing the chemical composition of the influent sewage. Estimation of model parameters was done in two steps. First, the active volumes of the basins were estimated on the basis of the measurements taken during the experiment performed in the plant. Then the rest of the parameters was calibrated with values taken from the literature.
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Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of Systems Research Institute PAS
Oct 15, 2021
Aug 25, 2021
Bogdan, Lucyna Łomotowski, Janusz Nahorski, Zbigniew (1945– ) Studziński, Jan Szetela, Ryszard
Bogdan, Lucyna Nahorski, Zbigniew (1945– ) Studziński, Jan Łomotowski, Janusz Szetela, Ryszard
Bogdan, Lucyna Łomotowski, Janusz Nahorski, Zbigniew (1945– ) Studziński, Jan Szetela, Ryszard
Bogdan, Lucyna Studziński, Jan Łomotowski, Janusz Szetela, Ryszard
Bogdan, Lucyna Nahorski, Zbigniew (1945– ) Studziński, Jan Łomotowski, Janusz
Bogdan, Lucyna Nahorski, Zbigniew (1945– ) Studziński, Jan
Bogdan, Lucyna Nahorski, Zbigniew (1945– ) Studziński, Jan
Nahorski, Zbigniew (1945– ) Łomotowski, Janusz