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Książka = Book ; KS/3/2006/T50R02P02
Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk ; Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences
[1-5], 89-103 stron ; 21 cm ; Bibliografia s. 102-103
In this paper we consider a national debt sustainability problem in the Euro area countries. We apply and extend an approach developed by Bohn (1998) who proposes to study whether the inter-temporal budget constraint of the government holds by modelling the public debt to GDP ratio as a mean-reverting process which is free from arbitrary discount rates that other approaches need to assume. This paper is concerned with forma/ econometric procedures that a/low one to test for the sustainability of fiscal policy. In our empirical studies we focus on those countries that either have a high debt to GDP ratio (ltaly) or have recently violated the Maastricht treaty by permitting more than three percent of the deficit to GDP ratio (France, Germany and Portugal).
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Zasób chroniony prawem autorskim. [CC BY 4.0 Międzynarodowe] Korzystanie dozwolone zgodnie z licencją Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa 4.0, której pełne postanowienia dostępne są pod adresem: ; -
Instytut Badań Systemowych Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Biblioteka Instytutu Badań Systemowych PAN
Oct 15, 2021
Aug 25, 2021
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Miklewski, Antoni
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Miklewski, Antoni
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