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Książka = Book ; KS/6/2013/T1P07
Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk ; Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences
[5], 85-103 pages ; 21 cm ; Bibliography p. 101-103
The article deals with fuzzy C-equivalences and the problem of the preservation of their properties by some aggregation functions. This paper gives a contribution to the discussion of tolerance analysis in soft computing, decision making, approximate reasoning, and fuzzy control.
Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license
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Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of Systems Research Institute PAS
Oct 15, 2021
Jul 19, 2021
Dudziak, Urszula
Pękala, Barbara Dudziak, Urszula
Król, Anna
Flis, Adam Zięcik, Anna Król, Wiesław
Skorupska, Anna Król, Jarosław Mazur, Andrzej Marczak, Małgorzata
Russocki, Stanisław (1930–2002) Biskup, Marian (1922–2012) Żarnowska, Anna (1931–2007) Kizwalter, Tomasz (1955– ) Jakóbczyk, Witold (1909–1986) Szwarc, Andrzej (1951– ) Król, Eugeniusz Cezary
Wyrozumski, Jerzy (1930–2018) Kłoczowski, Jerzy (1924–2017) Bogucka, Maria (1929–2020) Russocki, Stanisław (1930–2002) Tazbir, Janusz (1927–2016) Szybiak, Irena (1940– ) Kamola, Anna Król, Eugeniusz Cezary Szwarc, Andrzej (1951– ) Szwajca, J. Hass, Ludwik (1918–2008) Dmitrów, Edmund (1949– ) Zamojski, Jan Eugeniusz (1925–2014) Getter, Marek (1930–2013)