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Książka = Book ; KS/2/1992/R23
Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk ; Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences
183-188 pages ; 21 cm ; Bibliography p. 188
Many social systems arc influenced very much by certain environments and they arc also under the condition of competition and compromiee. In the decision malcing of such systems, pure optimum seeking methods would be simply refused because of the loss of some player's benefits and it is therfore impossible to carry out the tactics in those systems. So, the mediating theory and the model of tactic-coordinating system are used in this treatise to deal with the tactics in such kind of systems. The taxation of the wastewater drainage in the system of pretreatment of wastewater is used as an example for calculation and analysis.
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Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of Systems Research Institute PAS
Oct 15, 2021
Jul 15, 2021