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Department of Experimental and Clinical Neuropathology MMRI
Clinical, anatomical and histological diagnosis
Histological diagnosis: Haemorrhagia cerebri recens. Arterlosclerosis cerebri gradu magno. Oedema cerebri. Autopsy examination of 80-year-old patient was performed. Neuropathological evaluation in light microscopy was based on brain paraffin sections stained with Hematoxylin-eosin, van Gieson, Heidenhain and Griedley's method.A temporal lobe specimen including three foci, almost exclusively in the white matter, showed multiple circular vascular hemorrhages. Surrounding the hemorrhagic foci, a thinning of the tissue with corresponding fading in staining for myelin, and a reduction in glial elements with simultaneous progressive changes up to mast cell forms of astroglia were seen. In addition, hemosiderin granules were found lying intracellularly and intra-tissue. Diffuse glial proliferation was evident in the periphery of the described lesions. A small hemorrhagic focus formed from fusion of circular perivascular hemorrhages was found in the white matter of the frontal lobe, lateral to the putamen. Increased fibrous and vitreous changes were observed in the putamen and thalamus. In the vicinity of the atherosclerotic lesions, especially in the putamen and thalamus, small perivascular necroses were present. Large cellular defects were seen in the frontal cortex, temporal cortex, basal nuclei, thalamus and hypothalamic nuclei. There were prominent ischemic changes in the cortex and striatum, and large fatty degeneration in the thalamus and hypothalamic nuclei. Prominent features of edema were observed. Hemolyzed blood and hemosiderin granules were present in the meninges and subdural spaces.
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Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS
Library of the Mossakowski Medical Research Institute PAS
Feb 1, 2022
Sep 9, 2021
Edition name | Date |
opis nr 2/63 | Feb 1, 2022 |