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Raport Badawczy = Research Report ; RB/37/2015
Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk ; Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences
10 pages ; 21 cm ; Bibliography p. 9-10
The paper is concerned with the analysis and numerical solution of multimaterial structural optimization problems for bodies in unilateral contact. Contact phenomenon is governed by the elliptic variational inequality. The structural optimization problem consists in finding such topology of the domain occupied by the body that the normal contact stress along the boundary of the body is minimized. The cost functional is regularized by the multiphase volume constrained Ginzburg-Landau energy functional. The first order necessary optimality condition is formulated. The optimal topology is obtained as the steady state of the phase transition governed by the generalized Allen-Cahn equation. The optimization problem is solved numerically using operator splitting approach combined with the projection gradient method. Numerical examples are provided and discussed.
Raport Badawczy = Research Report
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Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of Systems Research Institute PAS
Oct 19, 2021
Oct 28, 2020
Edition name | Date |
RB-2015-37 : Myśliński Andrzej Marek : Multimaterial topology optimization of variational inequalities | Oct 19, 2021 |
Koniarski, Konr Myśliński, Andrzej
Myśliński, Andrzej Wróblewski, M.
Novotny, Antonio Szulc, Katarzyna Żochowski, Antoni
Kawalec, Krzysztof (1954– ) Bogucki, Andrzej (1951– ) Dunin-Wąsowicz, Krzysztof (1923–2013) Kosidło, Adam (1947– ) Winid, Bogusław W. Zięba, Andrzej A. (1958– ) Materski, Wojciech (1944– ) Myśliński, Jerzy (1934– ) Ney-Krwawicz, Marek (1956– ) Madajczyk, Czesław (1921–2008) Kalbarczyk, Sławomir Stobiecki, Rafał (1962– )
Michowicz, Waldemar (1929–2005) Król, Eugeniusz Cezary Pietrzyk, Bożena (1955– ) Wójcik, Władysław (1916– ) Myśliński, Jerzy (1934– ) Kamiński, Marek Kazimierz (1948–2020) Miroszewski, Kazimierz (1957– ) Grabski, Andrzej Feliks (1934–2000)
Lityński, Adam (1940– ) Barciak, Antoni (1947– ) Dygo, Marian (1951– ) Radzimiński, Andrzej (1958– ) Piech, Zenon (1954– ) Chynczewska-Hennel, Teresa (1952– ) Rachuba, Andrzej (1951– ) Michalski, Jerzy (1924–2007) Jedlicki, Jerzy (1930–2018) Janowski, Maciej (1963– ) Wanatowicz, Maria Wanda (1941– ) Myśliński, Jerzy (1934– ) Fertacz, Sylwester (1950– ) Ney-Krwawicz, Marek (1956– ) Żaryn, Jan (1958– ) Walaszek, Adam (1951– )
Strzelczyk, Jerzy (1941– ) Wilczyński, Piotr Pleszczyński, Andrzej (1963– ) Błachowska-Krupa, Katarzyna Wijaczka, Jacek (1960– ) Choińska-Mika, Jolanta (1957– ) Wyczański, Andrzej (1924–2008) Kuklo, Cezary (1954– ) Michalski, Jerzy (1924–2007) Bartoszewicz, Henryk (1949– ) Cabaj, Jarosław Myśliński, Jerzy (1934– ) Piotrowski, Jacek Wilk, Stanisław Landau, Zbigniew (1931–2018) Mańkowski, Zygmunt (1926–2012)
Pleszczyński, Andrzej (1963– ) Dymmel, Piotr (1954– ) Strzelczyk, Jerzy (1941– ) Mikołajczyk, Marian Urban, Wacław (1930–2009) Łukasiewicz, Dariusz Janowski, Maciej (1963– ) Myśliński, Jerzy (1934– ) Czapliński, Marek (1940– ) Mędrzecki, Włodzimierz (1959– ) Wolsza, Tadeusz (1956– ) Reczyńska, Anna (1955– ) Paruch, Waldemar Korzon, Andrzej Dąbrowski, Stanisław (1932– ) Walaszek, Adam (1951– )