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Raport Badawczy = Research Report ; RB/55/2003
Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk ; Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences
16 pages ; 21 cm ; Bibliography p. 15-16
The paper shows how the basic Bellman and Zadeh’s (1970) model of multistage decision making (control) in a fuzzy environment can be extended to account for human perceptions concerning its basic elements, i.e. the fuzzy constraints and fuzzy goals, by introducing objective (related more to measurements) and subjective (related more to perceptions) fuzzy constraints and fuzzy goals. To illustrate the extended, perception based model, a fuzzy socioeconomic sustainable regional development model is presented, initiated by Kacprzyk and Straszak (1984), and further developed by Kacprzyk (1997), Kacprzyk, Romero and Gomide (1999), etc. The model may be viewed as an example of how fuzzy logic, or - more generally - the computing with words paradigm, can help devise new more human consistent, perception based models.
Raport Badawczy = Research Report
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Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of Systems Research Institute PAS
Oct 19, 2021
Jan 10, 2020
Kacprzyk, Janusz (1947– ) Kiwiel, Krzysztof
Kovács, András Donát Farkas, Jenő Zsolt Varjú, Viktor Szalai, Ádám Lennert, József Hoyk, Edit Csáki, Béla
Nowak, Maciej Jacek Śleszyński, Przemysław Churski, Paweł Degórski, Marek Komornicki, Tomasz Sagan, Iwona Stryjakiewicz, Tadeusz
Gruber, Elisabeth Ebenstreit, Dominik Fischer, Michael Grösswang, Florian Heintel, Martin Payer, Harald
Mogiła, Zbigniew Bradley, John (ekonomia) Zaleski, Janusz (1955– )
Jarczewski, Wojciech
Michniak, Daniel