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Raport Badawczy = Research Report ; RB/14/2017
Instytut Badań Systemowych. Polska Akademia Nauk ; Systems Research Institute. Polish Academy of Sciences
19 pages ; 21 cm ; Bibliography p. 14, 16-19
A computationally simple method for generating reduced-order models that minimise the L2 norm of the approximation error while preserving a number of second-order information indices as well as the steady-state value of the step response, is presented. The method exploits the energy-conservation property peculiar to the Routh reduction method and the interpolation property of the L2 -optimal approximation. Two examples taken from the relevant literature show that the suggested techniques may lead to approximations that are not worse than those afforded by popular more cumbersome techniques.
Raport Badawczy = Research Report
Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license
Copyright-protected material. [CC BY 4.0] May be used within the scope specified in Creative Commons Attribution BY 4.0 license, full text available at: ; -
Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of Systems Research Institute PAS
Oct 19, 2021
Oct 28, 2020
Edition name | Date |
RB-2017-14 : Krajewski Wiesław Henryk, Viaro Umberto : Routh-type L2 model reduction revisited | Oct 19, 2021 |
Casagrande, Daniele Krajewski, Wiesław Viaro, Umberto
Casagrande, Daniele Krajewski, Wiesław Viaro, Umberto
Casagrande, Daniele Krajewski, Wiesław Viaro, Umberto
Krajewski, Wiesław Viaro, Umberto
Krajewski, Wiesław Viaro, Umberto
Krajewski, Wiesław Viaro, Umberto