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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The article is devoted to the teaching of languages for special business purposes from the perspective of foreign language learning and teaching. Growing needs related to the use of foreign languages in broadly understood business make this issue important both from the point of view of scientific discourse and in the context of search of new programme solutions. The specificity of communication activities, including not only the ability to communicate in a foreign language, but also specialist knowledge, knowledge of terminology or cultural conditions of the communication process, as well as increasing didactic needs and expectations imply the need to conduct in-depth scientific analyzes in the field of language education for business needs. The paper presents a research project referring to selected aspects of language instructionat a higher education institution, with a particular emphasis on the teaching of German business language (as a foreign language). The importance of the problem and the state of the art knowledge on the matter as well as the assumptions behind the project, its goals, research problems and methodology are discussed. The main research question concerns the specific characteristics of the learning process and of the teaching of a business language at a higher education institution as well as the possibility of influencing it for optimisation purposes. The designed research is to enable a better understanding of the role of individual variables in the process of learning and teaching a specialized language for business needs, grasping the specificity of a learning strategy in this area and assess the possibilities of using new technologies and multimodal texts in education in the field of specialist language.
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Jan 26, 2022
Jan 26, 2022
Edition name | Date |
Język specjalistyczny dla potrzeb biznesowych w perspektywie glottodydaktycznej - projekt badań / Jaworska, Mariola | Jan 26, 2022 |
Jaworska, Mariola
Jarosz, Beata
Nagy, Patrick
Bugaj, Ewa