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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The goal of this article is to identify the causes of terminological changes in Hungary’s most recent legislation on the ethnic minorities inhabiting the country. It will also demonstrate the link between the current Hungarian government’s terminological policy and the situation of Hungarian diasporas outside the country’s borders. In particular this concerns two terms — ethnic minority and nationality. The article highlights the historical processes affecting the formation of a multinational and multilingual Hungary and of a legal system reflecting the co-existence of multiple nationalities and languages throughout the territory, as well as the points of conflict and attempts to introduce solutions either safeguarding the various nationalities’ interests or establishing the dominance of the Hungarian nationality and language.Following the change of the political system in the late ‘80s the Hungarian government undertook numerous steps to improve the situation of the Hungarian minorities living outside the motherland since the signature of Trianon Treaty in 1920. This policy also impacted the situation of national minorities inhabiting Hungary. Works began on a new, modern law governing the status of national minorities, to provide an example for other countries to follow and an argument for Hungary in negotiations over the status of Hungarian minorities in neighbouring countries. The debate on the draft bill on national minorities, ultimately passed in 1993, saw a return to the best traditions and the most nationality-friendly ideas expressed in 19th century legislation. In contrast with the Magyarizaton idea surfacing in some periods of Hungarian history, the new law was to counteract the assimilation of the various nationalities, instead providing them with structural support in nurturing their own cultures and maintaining a separate identity. The new Hungarian Constitution of 2011 replaced the previously used term ‘national minority’ with ‘nationality’. Legislation enacted after that date has consistently used the term ‘nationality’, as reflected in the title of the new ‘Nationalities’ Act passed already in that same year. This is an intentional propaganda move. The goal of the terminological change is the symbolic elevation of the status of Hungarian populations living outside the motherland and call attention to the fact that Hungary regards them as an inseparable part of the one Hungarian nation.
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Mátrai, K. Altbäcker, V. Hahn, I.
Lanszki, J. Körmendi, S. Hancz, C. Zalewski, A.
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