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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The subject of the article is the analysis of the variants of nomenclature in contemporary public discourse relating to women engaged in business activities. The aim of the analyzes is to explain the conditions of the existing variance in the linguistic (systemic and stylistic) and extra-linguistic (political, social and cultural)perspective. The research on the contexts of the functioning of the analyzed units was carried out on the material obtained from dictionary-corpus queries and own excerption. Due to the discursive implication of personal female names, the communication narratives of women’s communities were subject to separate verification. The presented discussion allows for the following conclusions: 1) the variability of the analyzed nominations present in the public discourse is the result of changes in language and communication determined by cultural and social factors after the turn of the ‘89 and next Poland’s accession to the UE; 2) the existing nomenclature alternatives are the result of the process of adapting anglicism businesswoman in the Polish language, with simultaneous competition from native forms, and interweaving these phenomena with changes in the communication of female business communities; 3) the nomenclature choices have stylistic and discursive justification; 4) the newest unit in the study, kobieta przedsiębiorcza, becomes one of the linguistic manifestations of the professional emancipation of Polish women.
Arabski, J., red. 1997. Języki specjalistyczne. Język biznesu. Katowice: Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Mar-ketingowego i Języków Obcych.
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Jan 25, 2022
Jan 25, 2022
Nowicka, Magdalena
Skórczewski, Dariusz
Leociak, Jacek
Marcol, Katarzyna