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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: "Military Ranks Are not Nouns, therefore, They Cannot Be Classified by Grammatical Gender". Sociolinguistic Aspects of the Discussion on Feminisation of Military Ranks in Germany


Mikołajczyk, Beata

Date issued/created:


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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



The article analyses internet comments concerning feminised forms of address triggered as a result of the discussion that took place in German media in September 2020 regarding the plans of German Federal Ministry of Defence to introduce feminised equivalents of existing military ranks. The article presents the collected research material and discusses its social and linguistic arguments that have led to the decision of not introducing top-down planned changes. The analysis deals with relevant sociolingustic aspects incl. relations that currently take place in processes both within German society and in standard language vs the development of military sociolect. Moreover, the article indicates crucial dependencies between constitutive values for military community and communicative practices of this community. Those dependencies, on the one hand, influence the choice of linguistic forms used daily in military communication and, on the other hand, determine factors that have an impact on the development of the sociolect (its linguistic forms and behavioral scripts). The article also presents historical determinants that provoke certain approach to feminised forms in the military. Furthermore, the article highlights the character of communicative community which creates the opportunity to introduce crucial changes (also in linguistic routines such as the discussed introduction of feminised equivalents of existing military ranks) in a formal, top-down manner. The conducted analysis of internet comments displays a significant linguistic awareness of military community members also related to behavioral scripts that tend to be difficult to change. The said analysis allows to define the specificity of how the addressing system functions in military sociolect and its impact on creating feminised forms of address.


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Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej.





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click here to follow the link ; oai:rcin.org.pl:233337



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