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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The term of freedom belongs to crucial social, ethical and moral issues in the Russian languaculture.Its dichotomous structure is reflected in two basic embodiments: воля and свобода. An issue crucialfor understanding its functioning in conditions of totalitarianism is taking into account the actual perceptionof freedom by senders, and an analysis of the rhetorical use of this concept in propaganda and documentarytexts. On a basis of the analysed material it can be said that the dichotomy of свобода — воля, traditionalfor the Russian languaculture, underwent significant reinterpretation under the analysed discourse, firstby elimination of its second components as implying a lack of restrictions, while having a positive meaning,and thus being potentially harmful from the system propaganda point of view, and then by updating the threecategories corresponding to three basic groups mentioned in the discourse. US (FRIENDS) is the firstof these categories, to which настоящая свобода corresponds, THEM (STRANGERS , an external enemyмнимая свобода) form the second of these categories, while the third one describes THEM (STRANGERS, an internal enemy, произвол).
10.17651/SOCJOLING.33.7 ;
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Mar 5, 2021
Mar 3, 2021
Zemszał, Piotr
Tyszkiewicz, Barbara
Madajczyk, Czesław (1921–2008)
Kriegseisen, Wojciech (1955– )
Czarnecka, Małgorzata Nidzgorska-Lencewicz, Jadwiga
Ogonowski, Zbigniew (1924–2018)
Motyka, Grzegorz (1967– )
Wolsza, Tadeusz (1956– )