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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
This article aims to outline issues related to equal treatment of women and men that can be observed at the languagelevel in Poland, Russia and Bulgaria. So far, the Polish, Russian and Bulgarian languages have not beensubjected to a comparative analysis with regard to the use of feminitives. The article provides a contrastiveanalysis of names for professions and functions as well as certain linguistic conventions in the languagesin question. Drawing on extensive linguistic material, the authors’ research exposes the problem of linguisticasymmetry in the creation of female names in the three Slavic languages representing the Western, Westernand Southern groups respectively.
10.17651/SOCJOLING.33.8 ;
Copyright-protected material. May be used within the limits of statutory user freedoms
Mar 5, 2021
Mar 3, 2021
Dulewiczowa, Irena
Maryniakowa, Irena (1931– )
Maryniakowa, Irena (1931– )
Duszkin, Maksim (1976– )