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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The review is devoted to the latest book written by Piotr Rybka, The Vowels in the Dialects of Upper Silesiaand in the contemporary Polish language. Comparison with the Use of Acoustic and Articulation Data,published in 2018 as part of the work of the Institute of the Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences.This is an experimental study in the field of dialectal phonetics. The author has developed acousticand articulatory models that made it possible to compare features of the vowels in the speech of UpperSilesian residents with Polish standard pronunciation.
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Mar 5, 2021
Mar 5, 2021
Nowakowska, Wanda Żarnecki, Piotr
Kubzdela, Henryk Owsianny, Mariusz
Kubzdela, Henryk
Matuszkina, Olga Mikiel, Władysław