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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
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23. Frome J., Eight ways videogames generate emotion, w: Situated play, proceedings of DiGRA 2007 Conference, red. A. Baba, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 2007.
24. Fullerton T., Swain C., Hoffman, S. Game, design workshop: a playcentric approach to creating innovative games. Morgan Kaufmann, Waltham 2008.
25. Galloway A., Gaming – Essays on Algorithmic Culture, University of Minnesota Press. Minneapolis 2006.
26. Giddings S., Kennedy H. Little Jesuses and *@#?-o_ robots: on cybernetics, aesthetics, and not being very good at lego star wars, w: The pleasures of computer gaming: essays on cultural history, theory and aesthetics. red. M. Swalwell, J. Wilson, McFarland, Jefferson 2008.
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33. Juul J., The game, the player, the world: looking for a heart of gameness, w: Level Up. Digital Games Research Conference, red. M. Copier, J. Raessens, University of Utrecht & DiGRA, Utrecht 2003.
34. Juul J., The Open and the Closed: games of emergence and games of progression, w: Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference proceedings, red. F. Mäyrä, Tampere UP, Tampere 2002.
35. Kirkpatrick G., Between Art and Gameness: Critical Theory and Computer Game Aesthetics, „Thesis” 2007 nr 89.
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37. Leino O.T., Emotions in play: on the constitution of emotion in solitary computer game play, rozprawa doktorska, IT University of Copenhagen, Kopenhaga 2010.
38. Leino O.T., Understanding games as played: sketch for a first-person perspective for computer game analysis, w: Proceedings of the Philosophy of Computer Games Conference 2009, Oslo University, Oslo 2009,
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58. Williams Electronic Games, Williams Pinball Terminator II: Judgement Day, Williams Electronic Games, 1991.
59. Wilson D., Sicart M., Now it’s personal: on abusive game design, w: Proceedings of FuturePlay 2010, ACM, Vancouver 2010.
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Oct 2, 2020
Sep 26, 2018
Edition name | Date |
Leino O. T. - Pętla śmierci jako komponent | Oct 2, 2020 |
Garda, Maria B. Krawczyk, Stanisław
Rutkowski, Rafał (1986– )
Krawczyk, Stanisław Sterczewski, Piotr Kominiarczuk, Mateusz
Šalamun-Biedrzycka, Katarina (1942– )