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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. Bartle, Richard. (2003). Designing Virtual Worlds. New Riders.
2. Bolter, J. D. and Grusin R. (1999). Remediation: Understanding New Media. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.
3. Castranova, E. (2005) Synthetic Worlds - The Business and Culture of Online Games. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.
4. Farmer R. and Morningstar C. (1991). "The Lessons of Lucasfilm’s Habitat" in Benedikt, Michael (ed.): Cyberspace - First Steps. Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press.
5. Fencott, P. C. (1999). "Presence and the Content of Virtual Environments". Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Presence, University of Essex, Colchester, UK. Available HTTP (29 October 2006).
6. Fine, G. A. (1983). Shared Fantasy - Role-Playing Games as Social Worlds. Chicago, Chicago University Press.
7. Frasca, G. (2002). "The Sims: Grandmothers are Cooler Than Trolls". Game Studies, vol. 1, nr.1, July 2001. HTTP: (29 October 2006).
8. Fron, J., Fullerton,T., Morie, J.F, and Pearce, C. (2007). "Playing Dress-up: Costumes, Roleplay and Imagination". Paper presented at the Philosophy of Computer Games Conference, January 24-27, 2007. Retrieved January 5, 2009 from
9. Juul, J. (2005). Half Real:Video Games between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
10. Klastrup, L. (2003). Towards A Poetics of Virtual Worlds - Multi-user Textuality and The Emergence of Story. Copenhagen: IT University of Copenhagen.
11. Klastrup, L. (2007). "Why Death Matters: Understanding Gameworld Experience" in Journal of Virtual Reality & Broadcasting, 4 (2007), no. 3, May 2007.
12. Klastrup, L. (2008). "What makes World of Warcraft a World? A Note on Death and Dying" in Digital Culture, Play and Identity - A World of Warcraft Reader (eds. Corneliussen, Hilde & Walker, Jill). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
13. Klastrup, L: (2006). "Death Matters: Understanding Gameworld Experiences", in Proceedings from the Advances in Computing Entertainment Conference (ACE) 2006. ACM Digital Library:
14. Küchlich, J. (2003). The Playability of Texts vs. the Readability of Games, Proceedings of the Level Up Conference 2003, ed. M. Copier and J. Raessens. Utrecht, Utrecht University.
15. Meadows, M. (2002). Pause & Effect: The Art of Interactive Narrative. Indianapolis, New Riders Publishing.
16. Ronen, R. (1994). Possible Worlds in Literary Theory. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
17. Ryan, M-L. (1991). Possible Worlds, Artificial Intelligence, and Narrative Theory. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
18. Searle, John R. (1975). "The Logical Status of Fictional Discourse" in Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
19. Taylor, T. L. (2006). Play Between Worlds: Exploring Online Game Culture. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
20. Todorov, T. (1977). The Poetics of Prose. Trans. Richard Howard. Oxford : Blackwell.
21. Tosca, S. (2002). "The EverQuest Speech Community" in Mäyra, Frans (Ed.): Computer Games and Digital Cultures Conference Proceedings. Studies in Information Science 1.Tampere: Tampere University Press, 2002, pp. 341-355.
22. Tosca, S. and Klastrup, L. (2009): "Because it just looks cool! - Fashion as character performance: The Case of WoW" in Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, vol. 1, no 3, 2009.
23. Yee, N. (2001). The Norrathian Scrolls: A Study Of EverQuest. Haverford University. Available HTTP: (29 October 2006). ; 0867-0633 ; 10.18318/td.2017.3.6
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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Oct 2, 2020
Sep 26, 2018
Edition name | Date |
Klastrup L. - Światowość "EverQuestu": odkrywając dwudziestopierwszowieczną fikcję | Oct 2, 2020 |
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