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Title: The geoarchaeology of occupied Wadis in Egypt


Pawlikowski, Maciej

Date issued/created:


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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 49 (2011-2013)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

Place of publishing:



il. ; 24 cm

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This work presents the results of geological and geomorphological research at excavations located in dried-up river beds at sites from Upper Egypt to the Nile Delta. The data obtained can be useful in reconstruction of climate and the natural environment from thousands of years ago, as well as in the investigation of new archaeological excavation sites


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Pawlikowski, M. and Wasilewski, M. 2010. Geological reconstruction of occupation phases : Tel el Facha archeological site – Kom W. Nile Delta – Egypt. Auxiliary sciences in archaeology, preservation of relicts and environmental engineering. CD–ed. no 10: 1–22. Cracow
Said, R. 1962. Geology of Egypt. London–New York–Tokio


Archaeologia Polona



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