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A relational model analysis of hydronymsin the Ostravice River Basin (The Czech Republic )
Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The relational model analysis was applied to the names of watercourses in the Ostravice River basinexcerpted from the 1 : 50 000 Basic Hydrological Map (Základní vodohospodářská mapa). The mostfrequent relational model (RM) identified by the analysis was the generally valid RM B, occurring asthe subtypes RM B (Řečice), RM A + B (Frýdecký potok), RM A + A + B (Slezský mlýnský náhon),RM C1 + B (Bystrý potok), RM C1 + (A + B) (Malý Lipový potok), dominated by the designation of thenamed object (B). The second most frequent relational model was RM A, occurring as the subtypesRM A (Baštice), RM A + A (Frýdlantská Ondřejnice), RM C1 + A (Malý Kobylík), denoting the locationof the named object (A).The results of this analysis were compared with a study on a similar topic, using the same methodologicalbasis for its analysis — a Master’s thesis by Jan Slepička focusing on the hydronymy of theOstrava region (Slepička 2014; see also Slepička 2016). Slepička studied not only the names of watercourses(rivers, streams etc.), but also the names of water bodies (lakes, ponds); in his data the mostfrequent model was RM B, followed closely by RM C.Another study used for purposes of comparison was a monograph by Jana Pleskalová, which presentedan analysis of Moravian and Silesian anoikonyms in general (including hydronyms); the analysisfound RM A to be the most frequent model (Pleskalová 1992: 120).Summarizing the results of the analysis, it can be stated that a major influence on the frequency ofthe individual relational models is the type of named object. One model will be more frequent amongoronyms, another among urbanonyms, and another among agronyms. In order to gain a reliable insightinto the most frequent motivating factors, it is necessary to divide groups of toponyms (and other propernames) into smaller subgroups according to the type and nature of the named objects.
Prawa zastrzeżone - dostęp nieograniczony
Oct 2, 2020
Jan 20, 2020
Edition name | Date |
Vztahově-modelová analýza hydronym povodí Ostravice / Kovářová, Kristýna | Oct 2, 2020 |
Drygasiewicz, Stan.
Staszewski, Józef (1887–1966)
Staszewski, Józef (1887–1966)