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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 49 (2011-2013)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
This paper presents the results of geoarchaeological investigations at Site 28 in Rozbórz. The study area is about 5 km east of Przeworsk, at the foot of the Kańczuga Upland (Rzeszów Foreland). The loess slopes of the uplands descend to the floor of the Forecarpathian Trough with the site being at a height of 185–183 m a.s.l. During the fieldwork four profiles in laminated delluvial sediments and buried humic soil horizons were studied in the north and east part of the site. The archaeological features, identified as storage pits with artefacts dated to the Neolithic Funnel Beaker culture, were buried by delluvial deposits and humic soil horizons. In the southwest part of the excavation the pits occur in sandy alluvial deposits on the Vistulian terrace. An extensive and flat depression filled with organic material and drained by a ditch system occurs in the western part of the area. Micromorphological studies and archaeological dating show that an increase in intensity of pedogenesis took place during the brake in human settlement. A Fluvisol developed in the alluvial deposits and then the rising of ground water table in the valley bottom caused hydromorphic soils to form. Finally after stabilization of environmental conditions Cambisol are developed. The beginning of swamping in this area started in the Subboreal wetter phase at about 2900–2500 cal. BC. The swampy soil was covered by delluvial sediments in the Early Medieval period c. 750–1050 cal. AD
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Apr 7, 2023
Feb 27, 2017
Domańska, Lucyna
Tarriño, Antonio Elorrieta, Irantzu Alonso-Herrero, Diego López-Tascón, Cristina Hernández-Hernández, Hugo Castañeda, Nuria Larreina, David Aguirre, Mikel Mujika, José Antonio
Okoński, Jerzy
Bączkowski, Jon
Trela-Kieferling, Elżbieta Stefański, Damian
Hauzeur, Anne Monin, Gilles Lethrosne, Harold Fernandes, Paul Delvigne, Vincent
Pelisiak, Andrzej
Kadrow, Sławomir