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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The essay deals with the analysis of the content and the structure of the associative fields of lexemes from the semantic field “religion and Church” in Russian and Serbian languages on the material of associative dictionaries. The aim of this study is the reconstruction of the notions of the religiosity in the consciousness of the both language speakers. The results are set in correlation with the recent sociological studies of the religiosity of Russian and Serbian citizens. The analysis reveals the compatibility of the picture of the religiosity in the language consciousness of the contemporary speakers of Russian and Serbian languages with the findings obtained by sociological methods. According to the structure and the content of the associative fields of the lexemes from the domain of spirituality, religious notions among Russians are amorphous, emotionally and expressively more negatively marked than among Serbs, and they imply greater detachment which is manifested through intellectualistic, rational and atheistic approach. The syncretism of the Soviet ideological attitude toward religious values and their modern status in the post-atheistic and post-totalitarian society is also noticeable, with its rather weak manifestations of the traditional orientation. Among Serbs, the attitude toward the terms from the sacral domain is mostly positively marked, but notions about them are often ambiguous. The most dominant is the traditionalism, with the weaker exposing of the national element, but certain profanation of the terms and notions form the sacral sphere are also noticeable, and it stems from the coexistence of the religious and the secular.
10.17651/SOCJOLING.29.10 ;
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Institute of Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Oct 2, 2020
Jan 24, 2016
Bińczyk, Ewa
Oczko, Paulina
Osowski, Błażej
Mazur, Rafał
Malinowski, Bronisław (1884–1942)