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RCIN and OZwRCIN projects


Title: Interferencje kulturowe na przykładzie imion Polaków mieszkających na terenieKijowskiego Okręgu Konsularnego


Kułakowska, Małgorzata

Date issued/created:


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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



568 s.

Type of object:



This paper describes the phenomenon of cultural and language interference in the names of Poles livingin the Kiev Consular District. The names were selected out of 673 granted requests for the Card of thePole. According to the regulations, the names specified in the Card of the Pole should be in conformitywith the transcript in the applicant’s identity document. The Act on the Pole’s Card (Ustawa o KarciePolaka) allows Polish language transcription of the holder’s name. An analysis of the names from theapplications for issue of the Card of the Pole shows that some people decided to keep to the Latin transcriptionof their name entered in their Ukrainian passport. The said forms are not always compliant withthe Polish spelling. Lack of forms following the Polish spelling (like Yurii, Iuliya) is a manifestation oflanguage interference, namely implementation of foreign language elements to the mother tongue of bilingualpersons. Forms of that type represent only a slight percentage of the researched names. Culturalinterference, that is, penetration of the domestic culture by elements of other culture has a much biggercoverage. A manifestation of cultural interference in selection of names is when an Eastern Slavonicversion of a name is left when it is possible to use its Polish equivalent (for instance choosing the Polishtranscription of the name Yuriii as Jurij, instead of Polish Jerzy). Cultural interference occurs also whenchildren are given names that are not included in the Polish name canon. The reasons for interferenceare: poor knowledge of Polish that is now often learnt from scratch; a sample application for the Cardof the Pole (applicable by September 2016) where it was not clearly stated that a Polish version of thename may be entered; or a long-term influence of the totalitarian system, when — in certain periods —disclosure of Polish origin would entail repressions. Despite of political changes, parents still prefer togive their children names that are present in both onymic systems.

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