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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
My contribution focuses on non-standardized (popular) forms of toponyms in several villages in thedistrict of Jeseník (Rejvíz, Horní Údolí, Dolní Údolí — Czech Republic). This region was settled by theGermans in the Middle Ages. After their expulsion in 1945 the small villages were resettled mostly byrefugees from Greece. Nowadays the localities are not fully inhabited (most of the Greek population leftthe region in the 1970s) and it became more of a holiday resort and a tourist area.Non-standardized (popular) field-names — collected via field research (during 2016) — are confrontedwith standardized German forms used before 1945, and with currently used Czech forms. The goalof the study is to analyse formal and semantic features of the non-standardized filed-names. The analysisis based on the concept of relation and structural model, which was described by Jana Pleskalová andRudolf Šrámek. I also deal with the German place names and their preservation and revitalization. In thelast part of my work I study influence of national minority on the field names.
Prawa zastrzeżone - dostęp nieograniczony
Oct 2, 2020
Jan 20, 2020
Edition name | Date |
Živá toponymie českého pohraničí (na příkladu několika obcí okresu Jeseník) / Klemensova, Tereza | Oct 2, 2020 |
Vaishar, Antonín Dvořák, Petr Hubačíková, Vĕra Zapletalová, Jana
Babik, Zbigniew
Kowalczyk-Heyman, Elżbieta