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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
A perusal of the Polish and partly also North Slavic toponomastic stock reveals several dozen of varioustypes of derivatives of a hypothetical Proto-Slavic appellative *krak(ov)-. Given their multiple occurrencesin the microtoponymy, both the hypothesis of their possessive origin as well as that assuminga connection with the name for ‛raven’ must be regarded as insufficient. A possibly full survey of relatedPolish place names, considerably enlarged with respect to hitherto published syntheses, is presented,accompanied by a discussion of the comparative North Slavic (mainly Ukrainian and Russian) lexicalmaterial. Analysis of both the characteristics of the topographic denotations of the names in question aswell as the semantics of those appellatives which unambiguously point to a pre-liquid metathesis *krakdoesnot confirm J. Nalepa’s hypothesis claiming that an etymological meaning of the Polish Krakówis related to hydrography. On the contrary, it rather suggests a connection with certain peculiarities ofdendroflora.
Prawa zastrzeżone - dostęp nieograniczony
Oct 2, 2020
Jan 20, 2020
Babik, Zbigniew
Babik, Zbigniew
Babik, Zbigniew