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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
The paper analyses the microtoponyms of the Łomazy commune, which is located in the Polish-East-Slavonic borderland region. The analysis has been carried out to indicate the most prominent East-Slavonic linguistic features within the scope of phonology, morphology and lexis. In addition, the currentlyused microtoponyms have been collated with the historical ones dating back to the 1960s. Thebasis for the analysis consists of the place names gathered by the author in the years 2014–2015.The analysis has shown that in the place names from the Łomazy commune there have been preservedEast-Slavonic phonetic and morphological features as well as East-Slavonic lexis. It is especiallyimportant in the current situation as nowadays only a small number of inhabitants seems to be usingthe Ukrainian dialect. Additionally, the historical approach that aimed at collating currently used nameswith the material collected in the 1960s has shown that some of the microtoponyms have been preserveduntil now, which corroborates the stability of place names and a significant extent of lexicalization ofthe microtoponyms.
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