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Between History and Archaeology : papers in honour of Jacek Lech
This is a personal narrative of an acquaintanceship between Professor Jacek Lech and the author, since 1973. While not of strictly documentary value, it may recall some aspects of archaeological activities – surveys, excavations, conferences and symposia organisation, and publishing, for over forty years. Although never formally related as teacher-student, and of relatively distant specialisations (Neolithic flints vs. historical archaeology of Mesopotamia), we could cooperate for this long time quite effectively. As I may sum up today, the profit was, on my side, enormous – the discipline and style ‘doing archaeology ’ was taught to me not less substantially by this relation than by the university course, and the plethora of practices, both in the field and in later study, added to a special ‘personal’ corpus of experience, of irreplaceable and simply priceless value for, e.g., my later teaching of archaeology at the university
Dzieduszycka-Machnikowa, A. and Lech, J. 1976. Neolityczne zespoły pracowniane z kopalni krzemienia w Sąspowie, Wrocław – Warszawa – Kraków – Gdańsk, Polskie Badania Archeologiczne 19
Givens, D. R. 2008. The Role of Biography in Writing the History of Archaeology. In T. Murray and Ch. Evans (eds), Histories of Archaeology. A Reader in the History of Archaeology, Oxford, [originally published (1992) in J. E. Reyman (ed.), Rediscovering our Past: Essays on the History of American Archaeology, Aldershot], 177–193
Kołodziejski, S. 2006. Jura Ojcowska w średniowieczu. In J. Lech and J. Partyka (eds), Jura Ojcowska w pradziejach i w początkach państwa polskiego [The Ojców Jura in Prehistory and in the Beginnings of the Polish State], Ojców, 547–574
Lech, J. 1980. Z najdawniejszej historii człowieka [On the Earliest History of Man]. In A. K. Wróblewski (ed.), Z powrotem na Ziemię. Spór o pochodzenie cywilizacji ludzkich [Back to Earth. Dispute on the Origin of Human Civilisations], 27–134, Warszawa (2nd edition – Warszawa 2000, 36–216)
Lech, J. 1999. V. Gordon Childe i archeologia w XX wieku – słowo wstępne. In J. Lech and F. M. Stępniowski (eds), V. Gordon Childe i archeologia w XX wieku [V. Gordon Childe and Archaeology in the 20th Century], Warszawa, Komitet Nauk Pra- i Protohistorycznych, Prace III, 9–13
Lech, J. 2007. O archeologii polskiej w latach 1939–1989 – słowo wstępne [Polish Archaeology in the Years 1939–1989 – An Introduction]. In J. Lech (ed.), Pół wieku z dziejów archeologii polskiej (1939–1989) [Half a Century from the History of Polish Archaeology (1939–1989)], Warszawa, Komitet Nauk Pra- i Protohistorycznych, Prace VI, 9–24
Lech, H. and Lech, J. 1984. The Prehistoric Flint Mine at Wierzbica ‘Zele’: A Case Study from Poland, World Archaeology 16 (2), 186–203
Lech, J., Rook, E. and Stępniowski, F. M. 1984. Archeologiczne badania poszukiwawcze i weryfikacyjne w dorzeczu Prądnika w latach 1976–1980 [Archaeological Survey and Verification in the Prądnik Basin in the Years 1976–1980], Sprawozdania Archeologiczne XXXVI, 213–266
Lech, J. and Partyka, J. (eds). 2006. Jura Ojcowska w pradziejach i w początkach państwa polskiego [The Ojców Jura in Prehistory and in the Beginnings of the Polish State], Ojców
Murray, T. and Evans, Ch. 2008. Introduction: Writing Histories of Archaeology. In T. Murray and Ch. Evans (eds), Histories of Archaeology. A Reader in the History of Archaeology, Oxford, 1–12
Piotrowska, D. 2006. Dwa jubileusze i jedno sympozjum [Two Anniversaries and One Symposium]. In J. Lech and J. Partyka (eds), Jura Ojcowska w pradziejach i w początkach państwa polskiego, Ojców, 251–267
Schild, R. and Wendorf, F. 2002. Forty Years of the Combined Prehistoric Expedition, Archaeologia Polona 40, 5–22
Stępniowski, F. M. 1997. ‘I wykonasz na jego skroni nacięcie krzemiennym ostrzem…’ świadectwa używania narzędzi krzemiennych i obsydianowych w tekstach klinowych, jako postulat badawczy dla archeologii Mezopotamii epoki brązu i żelaza [‘You make an incision in his temple with a flint blade…’ – the evidence for use of flint tools in cuneiform texts as a research proposal for Mesopotamian archaeology of the Bronze and Iron Ages]. In J. Lech and D. Piotrowska (eds), Z badań nad krzemieniarstwem epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza, Warszawa, Komitet Nauk Pra- i Protohistorycznych, Prace II, 17–23
Stępniowski, F. M. 1999. Rewolucja urbanistyczna Gordona Childe’a [Gordon Childe’s ‘Urban Revolution’]. In J. Lech and F. M. Stępniowski (eds), V. Gordon Childe i archeologia w XX wieku [V. Gordon Childe and Archaeology in the 20th Century], Warszawa, Komitet Nauk Pra- i Protohistorycznych, Prace III, 111–136
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget. ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Jun 30, 2020
Edition name | Date |
Stępniowski, Franciszek M., 2018, Do you remember?... | Oct 2, 2020 |
Lech, Jacek
Werra, Dagmara H.
Lech, Jacek
Zalewski, Marek
Bąbel, Jerzy
Małecka-Kukawka, Jolanta (1955– ) Werra, Dagmara