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Between History and Archaeology : papers in honour of Jacek Lech
Wasiak, Katarzyna : Tł. ; Kostrzewska-Mendez, Tessa : Tł. (Teresa)
The narrative by professor Alfred Wielopolski recently discovered by the author at the Ossolineum Library in Wrocław. During World War II Wielopolski offered shelter at his Klemensówka/Kolanko farm in Nisko district to professor Józef Kostrzewski, a prominent Polish archaeologist, who, hunted by the German secret police Gestapo, spent over three years concealed there, writing his five most important books
Blombergowa, M. M. 2018. Konrad Jażdżewski (1908–1985) – Pupil and Friend of Professor Dr Józef Kostrzewski. In D. H. Werra and M. Woźny (eds), Between history and archaeology: papers in honour of Jacek Lech, Oxford, Archaeopress, 479-487
Berbelicki, W. 1989. Aleksander Brückner. 1856–1939, Warszawa
Jażdżewski, K. 1995. Pamiętniki. Wspomnienia polskiego archeologa z XX wieku, Łódź
Kaczmarek, J. E. and Prinke, A. 2017. Żywot długi, pracowity i spełniony. Profesor Józef Kostrzewski (1885–1969) – prehistoryk, patriota, Europejczyk [A long, laborious and fulfilled life. Professor Józef Kostrzewski – prehistorian, patriot, European], Poznań (in press)
Kostrzewski, J. 1970. Z mego życia. Pamiętni, Wrocław
Mikołajczyk, A. 1991. In memory of Prof. Konrad Jażdżewski (1908–1985), Archaeologia Polona 29, 161–170
Ogiński, J., 2001 (29 III). Dziedzic z Zarzecza k. Niska, Sztafeta 13, 13
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Operational Program Digital Poland, 2014-2020, Measure 2.3: Digital accessibility and usefulness of public sector information; funds from the European Regional Development Fund and national co-financing from the state budget. ; European Union. European Regional Development Fund
Oct 2, 2020
Jun 30, 2020
Prinke, Andrzej
Dobroszycki, Lucjan (1925–1995) Getter, Marek (1930–2013)
Minta-Tworzowska, Danuta (1953– )
Prinke, Andrzej
Prinke, Andrzej