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Title: Krzemionki Opatowskie – pomnik prehistorycznego górnictwa i niezrealizowanych pragnień – w odpowiedzi prof. Jackowi Lechowi


Zalewski, Marek

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Archeologia Polski T. 62 (2017) ; Krzemionki Opatowskie – a monument of prehistoric mining and unrealized desires – a retort to Prof. Jacek Lech


Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Place of publishing:



25 cm

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The Author was a member of the Prehistoric Flint Mining Research Team of the State Archaeological Museum (SAM) in Warsaw. In the years 1985–2000 the Research Team shaped the strategy of research and development of Krzemionki. As a SAM Team member (1985–1993) the Author was responsible for the works in the hinterland settlements of flint mines, the development of the open-air museum and popularisation of Krzemionki. In this paper he gives response to allegations and points to the obscurities and mistakes contained in the polemic article of prof. Jacek Lech pt. Do historii badań i udostępnienia neolitycznej kopalni krzemienia pasiastego w Krzemionkach (Some remarks concerning the history of research and public accessibility of the Neolithic mine of stripped flint at Krzemionki) published in 2016


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Zalewski M. 2012, Krzemionki Opatowskie – blaski i cienie prehistorycznych kopalń krzemienia pasiastego jako obiektu turystycznego, [w:] Skanseny archeologiczne i archeologia eksperymentalna, J. Gancarski red., Krosno, s. 93–114


Archeologia Polski



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oai:rcin.org.pl:66208 ; 0003-8180


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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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