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Between History and Archaeology : papers in honour of Jacek Lech
This paper looks at aspects of the life and work of Mary Elizabeth Boyle, a Scottish aspiring poet and author who by chance found her way into prehistoric studies, firstly through working with Cambridge archaeologist Miles Burkitt and then, most significantly, by her encounter in 1920 with the Abbé Henri Breuil, the famous French prehistorian, whose aide and companion she became for the final 37 years of his life. Recently revealed documents allow for new insights, particularly with regard to unsuccessful publication projects, and include an archaeological poem and a preface by Hugo Obermaier to one of Boyle’s unpublished books, reproduced here as appendices
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Saville, Alan, 2018, From Poetry to Prehistory: Mary Boyle and the Abbé Breuil | Oct 2, 2020 |
Sawicki, Ludwik (1893–1972)
Sawicki, Ludwik (1893–1972)
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