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Title: Muzea Guggenheima w Nowym Jorku i w Bilbao: o synergii nowego muzealnictwa i współczesnej architektury


Jasińska, Anna ; Jasiński, Artur

Date issued/created:


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Journal of Urban Ethnology 14 (2016)

Place of publishing:



ill. ; 24 cm

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The Guggenheim Foundation has created two famous museum buildings, which have changed both museology and contemporary architecture. Guggenheim Museum in New York, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, was opened in 1959, Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, designed by Frank Gehry, was opened in 1997. The first of them has broken the traditional archetype of a museum building as based on the rectangular logic of a picture gallery, and elevated architecture of a museum to a role equal to its collection. The second one raised the importance of the museum buildings as they took a central position in contemporary cities, equal to cathedrals in medieval cities. The construction of Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao has long-lasting results called “the Bilbao effect”: iconic buildings focused the attention of the media, they caused the phenomenon of “star architects”, they became a travel destination for mass tourism and therefore acted as a catalyst of social and economic revival of a postindustrial city


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Huxtable A. 2008, On Architecture. Collected Reflections on a Century of Change, Walker and Company, New York
Jencks Ch. 2005, The Iconic Building. Power of Enigma, Frances Lincoln Ltd, London
Kiciński A. 2004, Muzea. Strategie i dylematy rozwoju, Politechnika Warszawska, Warszawa
Libeskind D. 2004, Breaking Ground, Riverhead Books, New York
Mumford L. 1964, The Highway and the City, New York
Newhouse V. 2006, Towards A New Museum Expanded Edition, The Monacelli Press, New York
Newhouse V. 2005, W stronę nowego muzeum, [w:] Popczyk M. (red.) Muzeum sztuki. Antologia, Universitas, Krakow, s. 589-632
Ockman J., Frausto S. 2005, Architourism, Prestel, Munich-Berlin-London-New York
Pabich M. 2007, O kształtowaniu muzeum sztuki. Przestrzeń piękniejsza od przedmiotu, Muzeum Śląskie, Katowice
Storrie C. 2007, The Delirious Museum. A Journey from the Louvre to Las Vegas, London-New York
Szczerski A. 2005, Kontekst, edukacja, publiczność – muzeum z perspektywy “Nowej muzeologii”, [w:] Popczyk M. (red.), Muzeum sztuki. Antologia, Universitas, Krakow, 335-344
Tilden S. J. 2004, Architecture for Art, American Art Museums 1938-2008, Harry N. Abrams Publishers, New York
Vergo P. (red.) 1989, New Museology, Reaktion Books, London


Journal of Urban Ethnology



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oai:rcin.org.pl:61710 ; 1429-0618


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