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Title: Jedność i różnica w badaniach międzykulturowych


Hołda, Renata

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Journal of Urban Ethnology 14 (2016)

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24 cm

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The politicization of the concept of culture and its examination in relation to the power relationships are features of modern, non-professional debate on culture. Connected to them is the notion that leading ideologies define the differences (religious, ethnic, gender, sexual, age-related), and contribute to the creation of separate, often stigmatized groups and thus minority cultures. Culture is recognized as something essential, the property of the group and its inalienable differentiator, making it distinct from others. Meanwhile, focusing on the differences without realizing that they do not exist objectively, but are constructed, and putting an exaggerated emphasis on these differences result in the perpetuation of stereotypes. Cultures are reduced to a catalogue of distinctive features, while the existing similarities are overlooked or entirely questioned. Total separateness of individual groups is an imagined or the postulated state of affairs; however, the reality is reflected in terms which emphasize their interpenetration, crossing, interdependence and relatedness, better than in terms of “isolation”


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Journal of Urban Ethnology



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