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Journal of Urban Ethnology 14 (2016)
The article explores the potential within Polish Passion play performances for creating and evoking meanings of a particular city space. It shows that in some particular cases Easter plays can be seen as time machines which transfer the believers into the past, to ancient Jerusalem. Simultaneously, they bring the past into the present by interweaving past meanings into the play. In each of the described Passion plays, however, it is the sacral meanings ascribed to the place in which the play is enacted that enable the believers to make this particular journey in time. Paying special attention to the concepts of creativity and performativity associated with performance theory, the author considers the possibility of creating ancient Jerusalem on stage by means of performance and reviews the particular role of Passion plays in creating contemporary “urban Golgothas” actively enacted in two communities of Poland
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Baraniecka-Olszewska, Kamila
Baraniecka-Olszewska, Kamila
Czarnowski, Stefan (1879–1937)
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Baraniecka-Olszewska, Kamila
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