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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. Alter, D. Oppenheimer, Effects of fluency on psychological distance and mental construal (or Why New York is a large city, but New York is a civilized jungle), „Psychological Science” 2008 nr 19, s. 161-167.
2. M. Augé, Nie-miejsca. Wprowadzenie do antropologii hipernowoczesności, PWN, Warszawa 2010.
3. J. Beasley-Murray, Posthegemony. Political theory and Latin America, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2010.
4. K. Bijsterveld, Mechanical sound: technology, culture, and public problems of noise in the twentieth century, The MIT Press, Cambridge and London 2008.
5. P. Clough, The affective turn. Political economy, biomedia and bodies, „Theory, Culture, and Society” 2008 nr 25(1), s. 1-22.
6. S. Connor, The modern auditory I, w: Rewriting the self: histories from the Renaissance to the present, red. R. Porter, Routledge, London and New York 1997.
7. Cowan, The social life of coffee. The emergence of the British coffeehouse, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2005.
8. Ch. Cox, Beyond representation and signification: toward a sonic materialism, „Journal of Visual Culture” 2011 nr 10(2), s. 145-161.
9. J. Crary, 24/7. Późny kapitalizm i koniec snu, Karakter, Kraków 2015.
10. M. Ellis, The coffee-house. A cultural history, Widenfeld and Nicolson, London 2004.
11. V. P. Glăvenau, Distributed creativity, Springer, Cham et al. 2014.
12. S. Goodman, Sonic warfare. Sound, affect, and the ecology of fear, The MIT Press, Cambridge and London 2010.
13. Habermas, Strukturalne przeobrażenia sfery publicznej, przeł. W. Lipnik, M. Łukasiewicz, PWN, Warszawa 2007.
14. Hardt, Praca afektywna, „Kultura Współczesna” 2012 nr 3(74), s. 83-93.
15. Kassabian, Ubiquitous listening: affect, attention, and distributed subjectivity, University of California Press, Berkeley et al. 2013.
16. Korczynski, K. Jones, Instrumental music? The social origins of broadcast music in British factories, „Popular Music” 2006 nr 25(2), s. 145-164.
17. LaBelle, Acoustic territories. Sound culture and everyday life, Continuum, New York and London 2010.
18. J. Lanza, Elevator music. A surreal history of Muzak, easy-listening, and other moodsong, Picador USA, New York 1994.
19. S. Lash, Power after hegemony, „Theory, Culture and Society” 2007 nr 24(3), s. 55-78.
20. McWilliams, Flat white economy, Duckworth Overlook, London and New York 2015.
21. R. Mehta, R. Zhu, A. Cheema, Is Noise Always Bad? Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition, „Journal of Consumer Research” 2012 nr 39(4), s. 784-799.
22. O’Callaghan, Sounds. A philosophical theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007.
23. K. Sawyer, Explaining creativity, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2012.
24. W. Schrimshaw, Non-cochlear sound. On affect and exteriority, [w:] Sound, music, affect, red. M. Thompson, Ian Biddle, Bloomsbury, London et al. 2013.
25. Sennett, Upadek człowieka publicznego, przeł. H. Jankowska, Muza, Warszawa 2009.
26. J. Sterne, Sounds like the mall of America. Programmed music and the architectonics of commercial space, „Ethnomusicology” 1997 nr 41(1), s. 22-50.
27. N. Thrift, Non-representational theory. Space, politics, affect, Routledge, London and New York 2008.
28. Thompson, The soundscape of modernity, The MIT Press, Cambridge and London, 2002.
29. Williamson, You are the music. How music reveals what it means to be human, Icon Books, London 2014. ; 10.18318/td. ; 0867-0633
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Oct 2, 2020
Mar 8, 2018
Edition name | Date |
Szarecki A. - Coffitivity: dźwięk, praca kreatywna i posthegemonia | Oct 2, 2020 |
Marak, Katarzyna