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Przegląd Geograficzny T. 94 z. 4 (2022)
The work attempts to identify aims and principles of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), in regard to the issues of forest degradation and protection. The procedure followed here assumed two chief directions as it analysed forest degradation (including deforestation) and investigated the theoretical bases underpinning the restoration of forest ecosystems. Also incorporated was a review of relevant global environmental policies, along with remarks as to what has been achieved in this field in practical terms. The study thus highlights key dimensions to the degradation of natural ecosystems, where these concern the counteraction of further deterioration of forests, given the aspects relating to policy on global biodiversity, the protection of land and climate protection. While ecological aspects of forest restoration are naturally a main focus, the spirit of the UN’s Decade has been borne in mind, with the socio-economic and cultural merits of activities undertaken also incorporated into the examination. The work thus demonstrates the main goals, strategies and directions where the restoration of forest ecosystems is concerned, also pointing out exemplary large-scale projects and initiatives. The research has also taken in what may be seen as a leading direction within forest restoration, i.e. Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR). The study likewise accentuates the importance of tropical forests in any global pro-ecological agenda, while also emphasising the requirement for a complex approach to be taken to ecosystem restoration, and for natural ecosystems to gain protection and be reinforced as regards their resilience.
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