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Committee on Biotechnology PAS ; Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
In this study, we examined the effect of; coconut water (CW), plant growth regulators NAA - a-naphthaleneacetic acid, IBA - indole-3-butyric acid, 2,4-D-2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid as well as 6-BAP - 6-benzyl amintpurine and steroidal hormones (progesterone, estriol, estrone, 17-p-estradiol, andro.terone, androstendione) on callus of Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. induction The best callus formation was obtained from the hypocotyl part ol plants cultivated from the seeds after their stratification (two weeks in 4°C)on the Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, which contained: 100 mg/cm^ of myoinositol, 30 g/dm^ of sucrose, 2 mg/dm^ of 2,4-D and 1 pM/lm^ of 17-p-estradiol. Additionally, the efforts to obtain the callus from underground parts of P. verticillatum were made. It was done on MS medium conaining: 1 mg/dm^ 2,4-D, 1 pM/dm^ 17-p-estradiol and 2 ing/dm^O - BAP. The callu; grown in in vitro conditions was used for the fitochemical analysis to determne the presence of diosgenin.
Biotechnologia, vol.66, 3 (2004)-.
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Library of Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
Creative Commons Attribution BY-SA 4.0 license
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Science
Oct 2, 2020
Mar 31, 2020
Edition name | Date |
Indukcja, proliferacja i analiza fltochemiczna tkanki kalusowej Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) Ali. | Oct 2, 2020 |
Szybka-Hrynkiewicz, Przemysław Janeczko, Zbigniew
Borkowska, Bożenna
Ziółkowski, Piotr Babula- Skowrońska, Danuta Kaczmarek, Małgorzata Cieśla, Agata Sadowski, Jan