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Miśta-Jakubowska, Ewelina A. ; Czech-Błońska, Renata ; Duczko, Władysław ; Gójska, Aneta M. ; Kalbarczyk, Paweł ; Turos, Andrzej ; Żabiński, Grzegorz ; Widawski, Maciej
Archaeologia Polona Vol. 57 (2019)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
Modern archaeology makes use of analytical methods in order to answer questions about deposit and technological provenience of artefacts. This paper discusses selected and the most interesting, results obtained during the completion of a research project which focuses on silver from the 10th and 11th centuries in Poland. In total, 200 silver artefacts known from Polish hoards (found in Kalisz-Dobrzec, Nowa Obra, Wolsztyn District, Zalesie, Olsztyn District, Słuszków and Jastrzębniki, Kalisz District, Kalisz-Rajsków and Stojkowo, Kołobrzeg District and Naruszewo, Płońsk District) were studied. A micro-invasion LA-ICP-MS (Laser Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) was used for determinining lead isotope ratios in silver. The data obtained were evaluated using statistical methods which allowed reliable isotopic ratios in inhomogeneous alloy to be obtained. In order to study the provenance of silver, the obtained lead isotope ratios in the artefacts were compared with those of silver deposits. The use of SEM-EDX allowed the tracing of morphological changes and the measurement of quantitative elemental composition of coins, raw silver and jewellery according to technological traits.
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Mar 3, 2023
Dec 31, 2019
Edition name | Date |
Miśta-Jakubowska, Ewelina A., 2019, Origin and Production of Silver in Early Medieval Poland | Mar 3, 2023 |
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