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Archaeologia Polona Vol. 47 (2009-2011)
Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences
Demetrykiewicz, W. 1886. Konserwatorstwo zabytków archeologicznych. Studyum ze stanowiska dziejówkultury i nauki porównawczej prawa [Conservation of archaeologicalmonuments. A study fromthe perspective of history of culture and comparative law science]. Kraków
Díaz-Andreu, M. 2007. A world history of nineteenth-century archaeology. Nationalism, colonialism, andthe past. Oxford
Kohl, Ph. L. and Fawcett, C. 1995. Nationalism, politics, and the practice of archaeology. Cambridge
Lech, J. 1995. Social functions of archaeology in the 20th century. In M. Kuna and N. Venclová (eds),Whither archaeology? Papers in honour of EvženNeustupný, 93–6. Praha
Malina, J. and Vašiček, Z. 1990. Archeology yesterday and today. The development of archaeology in thesciences and humanities. Cambridge
Milisauskas, S. 2011. Historical observations on European archaeology. In Milisauskas (ed.), 7–21
Milisauskas, S. (ed.) 2011. European prehistory. A survey. New York. 2nd edition
Neustupný, E. 1997–1998. Mainstreams and minorities in archeology. Archaeologia Polona 35–36: 13–23
Sherratt, A. 1997. Economy and society in prehistoric Europe. Changing perspectives. Princeton, NJ
Sherratt, A. 1997–1998. Gordon Childe: right or wrong? Archaeologia Polona 35–36: 363–78
Sklenář, K.1983. Archaeology in Central Europe: the first 500 years. Leicester
Solla Price, D.J. de 1963. Little science – big science. New York
Trigger, B.G. 2007. A history of archaeological thought. Cambridge. Second Edition
Vella, N. (ed.) 2008. European Association of Archaeologists. 14th Annual Meeting. Malta, 16–21 September2008. Abstracts book. Malta
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Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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