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21 cm ; Pol. text, eng. summary
1. Burrow C., Shakespeare and Classical Antiquity, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2013.
2. Bushnell R. W., A Culture of Teaching. Early Modern Humanism in Theory in Practice, Cornell University Press: Ithaca, NY – London 1996.
3. Clay J. S., The Wrath of Athena. Gods and Men in the Odyssey, Princeton University Press: Princeton 1983.
4. Corey D., The Sophist Hippias and the Problem of Polytropia, [w:] Socratic Philosophy and Its Others, ed. Ch. Dustin, D. Schaeffer, Lexington Books: Lanham 2013.
5. Culler J., Teoria literatury, przeł. M. Bassaj, Prószyński i S-ka: Warszawa 2002.
6. Kahn Ch. H., Plato and the Socratic Dialogue. The Philosophical Use of a Literary Form, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 1996.
7. Kohen A., Untangling Heroism. Classical Philosophy and the Concept of the Hero, Routledge: New York 2014.
8. Lampert L., Socrates’ Defence of Polytropic Odysseus: Lying and Wrong-Doing in Plato’s Lesser Hippias, “Review of Politics” 64 (2002).
9. Mitsis Ph., Achilles Polytropos and Odysseus as Suitor: Iliad 9.307-429, [w:] Allusion, Authority, and Truth. Critical Perspectives on Greek Poetic and Rhetorical Praxis, De Gruyter: Berlin – New York 2010.
10. Montiglio S., From Villian to Hero. Odysseus in Ancient Thought, University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor 2011.
11. Moss A., Książki „miejsc wspólnych” w szkole, przeł. M. Skwara, [w:] Retoryka, pod red. M. Skwary, słowo/obraz terytoria: Gdańsk 2008.
12. Parry M., The Making of Homeric Verse, ed. A. Parry, Oxford University Press: Oxford 1971.
13. Peradotto J., Man in the Middle Voice. Name and Narration in the Odyssey, Princeton University Press: Princeton 1990.
14. Pratt L. H., Lying and Poety form Homer to Pindar. Falsehood and Deception in Archaic Greek Poetics, University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor 1993.
15. Pucci P., Odysseus Polytropos. Intertextual Readings in the Odyssey and the Iliad, Cornell University Press: Ithaca, NY 1987.
16. Pucci P., The Song of the Sirens. Essays on Homer, Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham 1998.
17. Rostagni A., A New Chapter in the History of Rhetoric and Sophistry, transl. Ph. Sipiora, [w:] Rhetoric and Kairos. Essays in History, Theory, and Praxis, ed. Ph. Sipiora, J. S. Baumlin, State University of New York Press: Albany, NY 2002.
18. Ryczek W., Rhetorica christiana. Teoria wymowy kościelnej Stanisława Sokołowskiego, Wydawnictwo UNUM: Kraków 2011.
19. Stanford W. B., Homer’s Use of Personal πολυ– Compounds, “Classical Philology” 45 (1950).
20. Walcot P., Odysseus and the Art of Lying, [w:] Homer’s Odyssey, ed. L. E. Doherty, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2009. ; 10.18318/td. ; 0867-0633
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Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Library of the Institute of Literary Research PAS
Apr 4, 2024
Mar 8, 2018
Edition name | Date |
Ryczek W. - Politropia: retoryka Odyseusza | Apr 4, 2024 |
Ryczek, Wojciech
Ryczek, Wojciech
Ryczek, Wojciech
Ryczek, Wojciech
Ryczek, Wojciech
Ryczek, Wojciech
Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106 – 43 BC) Żukowski, Klemens Księgarnia Józefa Zawadzkiego (Wilno)