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Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Considering the linguistic variety of the analyzed field, its dynamically developing specialized vocabulary and, generally, the international character of sport, it can be stated that the competently prepared lexicographic compositions are an important element of an efficient communication within the sphere of physical culture. The focus of the present paper goes to the difficulties of the authors, often practitioners non linguists, of the two- or multilingual dictionaries of sport or of a chosen sport discipline. The conducted terminographic analysis of the chosen dictionaries based on Łukasik’s methodology (2007), including macro-, medio- and microstructure parameters, enabled to identify the main problematic issues, which are related to the specifics of language or — better — languages of sport and to the typical difficulties connected with the construction of a dictionary. The findings of the research may contain valuable recommendations for future dictionary-makers.
10.17651/SOCJOLING.29.15 ;
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Institute of Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Oct 2, 2020
Jan 24, 2016
Murrmann, Julia Magdalena
Murrmann, Julia Magdalena
Burdyka, Konrad Burdyka, Krzysztof
Bitušíková, Alexandra
Śmieja, Wojciech