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The rise, development and destruction of the medieval port of Puck in the light of research into palaeoclimate and sea level change
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Tytuł: The rise, development and destruction of the medieval port of Puck in the light of research into palaeoclimate and sea level change

Inny tytuł:

Archaeologia Polona Vol. 49 (2011-2013)


Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences

Miejsce wydania:



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Multidisciplinary study of a peat profile from the coast near the drowned remains of a medieval harbour at Puck have allowed the reconstruction of the environmental conditions at the time when the port was in operation. The research included AMS 14C dating, and analysis of 13C and 18O isotopes, pollen, plant macrofossils, diatoms, total organic carbon, phosphorous, and heavy metals. In the period around 800–900 AD, when the port was created, sea level was about 0.75–0.70 m lower than today and hydrodynamic conditions were relatively calm. Stable or slowly increasing level of water in the Puck Lagoon continued until about 1100–1200 AD. A decrease in port activity , during about 1300–1350 AD, occurred at a time of marked climatic cooling at the beginning of the Little Ice Age, together with frequent and heavy storms. During the interval 1100 to 1400 AD, the lagoon water level rose by about 0.4 m. However, climate and hydrological changes were not then sufficiently catastrophic to destroy the port. The decline in port activity is connected to a clear breakdown in human economic activity in the area, as reflected in the results of pollen analysis and a drop in Cu and Pb content. The sediments of this period are also characterized by a large amount of wood charcoal, suggesting the possibility of conflagration


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Archaeologia Polona



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